Ich liebe dich Bill <3 Nezařazené Creature from another galaxy

Creature from another galaxy

Unconsciously concious decision
to move forward only with the ones 
which are the opposite of me –
creatures from another galaxy
into their image, i can project anything
make them feel adored just for being alive
there is a thin line between what you dont understand
and what you intentionally close your eyes to
welcome to my favourite pedestal 
i will be grateful if you just hold my hand
glad i found a dealer for my beloved chemical
i watch the city lights while we´re driving in your car
slowly but surely escaping from the dangers of my mind
our thoughts slowly dissapearing into the night
Unconsciously concious religion
I worship my own emptiness
on sundays im drowning in a lake of feelings, in my own void
in the only objective fact, the only logical feeling
that im alone, always alone, completely alone
i myself, am the opposite of me
a creature from another galaxy
into my image, i can project anything
resent my own being, just for being alive

there is a thin line between what you dont understand
and what you intentionally close your eyes to


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